Ljubljana, Slovenia - competition
authors: Rudolf Müller, Petr Kadaňka
cooperation: Michal Mačuda, Jiří Vítek, Ondřej Navrátil
renders: Stanislav Šimoníček
The initial idea for the the final form and spatial layout of the NUK II building consisted of making a carbon copy of the historical aspect in the contemporary structure with the aim of rediscovering the genius loci of the place famous for its traces of Roman settlement. This ha sits characteristic features obvious from the present findings (a rational right-angles system of streets and buildings). The designed structure reacts to these findings (especially to the crossroads) and together with the built-up limit, it determines, to some extent, the resulting ground-floor footprint of the building. Externally, the unambiguous matter clearly completes the urban block, delimitating the street space.
The inner space serves as a bearer of the idea in the form of two essential principles: a colonnade as a typical element for the period (Roman) public building and the retreating matter of the storey connected in an intuitive manner upwards symbolising the spiritual growth, i.e. ascending for knowledge. Through its openness as a whole, as well as the individual operating sections within the building, it seeks the maximum perception of the environs and invoking the feeling of joint spiritual enrichment.
The matter of the six-storey NUK II building reacts to the elevation level of the surrounding buildings by creating inserted storeys in order to observe the recommended elevation levels of the street lines. Connecting to the existing urban structure has been designed with the objective to direct the library building towards the city centre and important culture and education institutions. Alongside both main street facades, there are avenues, attempting to provide a dignified public space and to facilitate the integration of the contemporary building into the historical structure of the city, permeated with numerous urban development approaches of various historical periods.
The main entrances to NUK II are situated from Zoisova Street and Emonska Street at the points of the original Roman roads. The area of the reading hall at the entrance may also be entered from French Revolution Square (the mouth of Emonska Street). The administrative part is accessible from Zoisova Street, where (apart from the pedestrian entrance), the service vehicle entrance is located, using the possibility of approaching the building from a more quiet lane reserved for buses (the bus stop itself is located in connection with the main entrance to the library). Delivery of books has been dealt with by means of an outside ramp situated within the block, providing, apart from the supply and delivery, twelve parking spaces out of which two have been reserved for the physically disabled. The exit from the courtyard has been designed towards Slovenska Street, whereas vehicles may (just as in the case of the entrance) turn right only in order to prevent collisions in the crossroads area. The position of pedestrian crossings has remained unchanged. The required 300 parking spaces for bicycles have been located between the trees along Zoisova Street and Emonska Street.
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